Exclusive Getaways

About us

My name is Anna Zachrisson and I’m the founder of Exclusive Getaways. I have a professional background within the design, interior design and the art industry and have been working at well-established firms within those fields as well as running my own businesses.

I have also been living abroad for many years both in Europe and in Asia, which has given me a wide perspective on life with many influences that I have now brought with me into Exclusive Getaways. 

It was my passion for architecture, interior design and for the beauty in life, in combination with my interest for people, different cultures and the unique and genuine that led me to start Exclusive Getaways.

Sweden has so much to offer with its beautiful countryside, the vast forests and thousands of lakes. An unforgettable experience of a unique nature shifting for every season. In combination with an inventive food scene and dynamic city life it is truly a trip worth planning for.

Are you ready to book your next trip with us?

Photographer: Anne Nyblaeus

Per conubia nostra, per inceptos hime Mauris in erat justom etone. Per conub per inceptos hime naeos.

Our London Shop

9235 Bayberry Drive
Hendersonville, NC 28792

+51853 458 243